Bay Aging

5306 Old Virginia St, Urbanna, VA 23175, USA
5306 Old Virginia St, Urbanna, VA 23175, USA
Northern Neck


Established in 1978, Bay Aging is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization that delivers services in ten rural counties throughout a 2,600 square mile region.  The region, better known as the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula, encompasses two planning districts and the counties of Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northumberland, Richmond and Westmoreland.

True to Bay Aging’s mission, services are delivered to help people as they age to live independently and safely in our communities for as long as possible.  This is accomplished through a variety of programs and services in three major divisions – Health, Housing, and Transportation.  Services include home delivered meals, congregate meals, comprehensive care coordination, home and personal care, adult day health services, senior employment training, insurance counseling, safety net services, affordable housing for seniors, indoor plumbing rehabilitation, rapid rehousing, weatherization, section 8 housing, public transportation, and many other services.

Partnerships are critical to Bay Aging’s mission.  For over 40 years Bay Aging has developed partnerships that include the faith community, businesses, education institutions, community non-profits, hospitals and health systems, insurers, local/state/federal government agencies, planning district commissions, civic organizations and others.  Bay Aging is viewed by others in the community as a leader and innovator of programs and services that people need to live safely and independently with dignity.


Published: July 21, 2022
Views: 647
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