Colonial Center for Hearing

430 McLaws Cir, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA
430 McLaws Cir, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA


At Colonial Center for Hearing, the world’s best hearing aid technology has found it’s home. Dr. Liptak and Dr. Tucker undergo extensive training every month to bring you the latest in hearing aid technology from virtually any manufacturer in the world.

About Us
At Colonial Center for Hearing Audiology, we guarantee you’ll get the professional, expert service you deserve. Our mission is to provide you with state-of-the-art hearing aid solutions and warm, caring customer service. We specialize in finding solutions for very tough to fit people, i.e. individuals who struggle to hear speech in noise. We’re also very much ahead of the game when it comes to the latest hearing aid innovations and wireless breakthroughs.

At Colonial Center for Hearing Audiology, we’ll give you as many follow-up visits as takes to make sure you’re fully comfortable and satisfied with your good hearing solutions. We look forward to welcoming you to our home-away-from-home office, to greeting you with a fresh cup of coffee and a smile, and to helping you turn up the volume on your life.


Published: July 12, 2022
Views: 393
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