Randall Kipp Architecture

81 King Carter Dr, Irvington, VA 22480, USA
81 King Carter Dr, Irvington, VA 22480, USA
Northern Neck


Randall Kipp Architecture is a full service Architectural Studio specializing in Residential and light Commercial designs. Our mandate as designers is to provide the best architectural solution that satisfies the programmatic issues of space and context; wrapped around and infused with a spirit of art as a form giver.

About Us: 
Randall Kipp Architecture’s design style is modern. The focus is on providing architecture that celebrates an open plan created with the use of simple materials. The work intentionally provides a transparency to the world around it. Often the buildings are situated on or near a body of water. The architecture strives to balance the organic world of water, sky, sand and trees with the build world of simple shapes and open volumes.

For Architecture to be successful, the client’s needs must be met. The notion of building for building’s sake will never provide satisfactory results. It is our belief that the best and only viable solution for successful architecture is to include the client as part of the design team; inviting them into the design dialogue as partners and providing them with an education about thoughtful and successful design.


Published: July 5, 2022
Views: 492
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