Rappahannock Record

27 N Main St Box 400, Kilmarnock, VA 22482, USA
27 N Main St Box 400, Kilmarnock, VA 22482, USA
Northern Neck


The Rappahannock Record is a weekly newspaper providing local news and advertising. The paper is published each Thursday in print and in electronic versions for computer, tablet or smartphone. Local news coverage, local readers, local advertisers- nobody does local like the Rappahannock Record!

About Us: 
The Rappahannock Record is an independently-owned weekly newspaper published in Kilmarnock, Lancaster County, Virginia. Kilmarnock is a trading center for the Northern Neck, a peninsula in Virginia bordered by the Chesapeake Bay and the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers.

The Rappahannock Record can be viewed in three formats; newspaper, e-Edition and limited content online.

One of four newspapers on the Northern Neck, the Record is the largest in both size and circulation. Founded in 1916, it features 24 to 40 pages each week with a press run of approximately 7,000 and a readership of about 15,500.

The paper covers top local headlines, government and a community forum, sports, business and schools. In addition churches, entertainment and events, an upcoming calendar and extensive classified listings are included in the Record.

The Record’s coverage area includes all of Lancaster County (11,466 population) and parts of neighboring Northumberland, Richmond and Middlesex counties. Approximately 5,500 papers are distributed in Lancaster County alone. Subscriptions are sent via second class mail and the paper is available on many local newsstands.

The Record is a member of the Virginia Press Association and the National Newspaper Association.



Published: July 27, 2022
Views: 638
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