Tilley’s Favorite

7222 Canal St, Lanexa, VA 23089, USA
7222 Canal St, Lanexa, VA 23089, USA


Tilley’s Favorite makes all-natural, preservative-free, homemade dog biscuits in 3 flavors. We offer 3 species of all naturally shed antlers and other yummy treats for your dog.

About Us:
Tilley is part German and Australian Shepherd/Blue Healer (we think). She was abandoned at 4-months old when she found us. She is definitely our lead dog. Her queenly self usually spends most of the day lounging on the couch in a position to where she can see everyone in the house and down the street in both directions. It’s her job. Then there is Oliver, our 98-lbs weakling that we think is a Dane/Mastiff mix. We found him in the road when he was 7-weeks old – and already 17 lbs. He’s a big boy who thinks he’s a lap dog. Not particularly smart; just all love.
Carol has always wanted a Dachshund. We could never buy a dog, but found this little guy after he was pulled out of an all-kill shelter. They were literally getting ready to gas him. We snatched him up and named him Rudy. He is typical to his breed. Until we got rid of the grubs in our yard, it was extremely reminiscent of a WW1 battlefield, complete with trenches. Should have called him Digger. We started this business when we only had Tilley, then all of a sudden we had three dogs. It just happened. Now we don’t know what we’d do without them.
Needless to say, they are our hearty taste testers. Anything that falls on the floor is legally theirs.


Published: June 24, 2022
Views: 554
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